Military Times magazine has just released its first Best for Vets: Business Schools survey rankings, and Webster’s Walker School of Business scored admirably, coming in seventh among 62 business schools across the country.
发布时间 - 2013-03-20
阅读量 - 8381
3月18日,德国WHU奥拓贝森管理学院(WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management)代表团来到十大赌博正规信誉网址进行访问交流。
发布时间 - 2013-02-19
阅读量 - 5646
What is Innovation and Entrepreneurship? How can we realize our Innovation and Entrepreneurship?
发布时间 - 2013-02-18
阅读量 - 6311
The high quality of Webster University's online graduate education and business programs has received national recognition in U.S. News & World Report's 2013 list of "Best Online Programs."
发布时间 - 2012-12-26
阅读量 - 8241
2012年12月16日,前美国驻匈牙利大使George Herber Walker III先生应邀出席第十五届学员毕业典礼并发表主题演讲
发布时间 - 2012-12-26
阅读量 - 8099
发布时间 - 2012-11-28
阅读量 - 8185
2012年11月3日,项目2011级十余位即将毕业的同学共同参加了成都毕业之行“A New Commencement”,并应邀参加了成都电子科技大学于成都青羊工业总部基地运动休闲中心岭御会馆举行的“合作与分享——2012IMBA秋季员工论坛”,上海与成都两地IMBA学员与历届员工在此共学共勉,共聚共庆,共欢共忆。